Case Study: Lead Tracker

The problem

The lead tracker was a suite of new features we added to GuildQuality’s product to support our sister company Best Pick Reports. Up until this point, GuildQuality and Best Pick Reports had similar but separate digital products. As part of this project, direction was given to combine our offerings and ultimately that meant incorporating new lead tracking features into GuildQuality’s platform to achieve parity.

For me, this made for a new and interesting challenge. I was tasked with taking an existing set of features, breaking them down to their core components and figuring out how to best incorporate them into our existing platform.

Best Pick Reports’ original lead tracker:

OG Lead Tracker.jpg


First I spoke with stakeholders inside Best Pick Reports to get the business perspective and their insight on the project. Then, because Best Pick Reports was an existing product with an active user base, I interviewed some of its users to get their experience. After the interviews, I used the information I had gathered to create a persona to help empathize with the user’s needs. This persona ended up being fairly similar to GuildQuality’s core user type:

  • An office administrator at a home services company, tasked with being the main user for their organization

  • They upload data and communicate results to the rest of their team

  • They are often older, and sometimes not strong with technology

  • They wear many hats and Best Pick Reports is likely not one of their top priorities


After discovery, I was able to lay out core requirements for the project. At a high level they were:

  • Users needed to be able to see and listen to incoming audio leads.

  • Specific pieces of data inside those leads (phone number, address, type of work, etc) were important and needed to be readily available for discovery and reference.

  • Certain aspects of reporting, like campaign tracking and value over time, were important and needed to be recreated.

  • Those leads needed to fit within GuildQuality’s existing contact data structure in a way that was consistent with our existing design language.


With the requirements defined I began to explore how lead function could fit into GuildQuality’s platform. Because our design system is well defined and built out in Figma I was able to quickly jump into high fidelity mockups and produce a prototype we could share with select users. Some progress mocks ups from the process:

Lead mock A.jpg
Lead mock B.jpg
Lead mock C.jpg


The main challenge of this project was figuring out a way to achieve parity between the new lead elements in our platform and the existing survey elements while maintaining the function of both. Ultimately we were successful and today GuildQuality and Best Pick Reports share one platform that fulfills the needs of both user types. Here are a few screens from the final product:

Lead and survey parity:

Lead and survey B.jpg

New dashboard incorporating both leads and surveys:

Dashboard D.jpg

Final Lead tracker UI:

Leads final b.jpg
Tracker Final.jpg